Basteln & Deko / DIY

Herbstdeko vor der Haustür

Ich habe das tolle Wetter letzte Woche genutzt, um mal wieder Ordnung vor der Haustüre zu schaffen. Die Eingangstür gesäubert und von Spinnweben befreit, den Schuhabstreifer gereinigt und natürlich schön herbstlich dekoriert. Bisher hatte ich als Herbst Deko immer eine alte Obstkiste vor der Tür stehen, auf der ein Topf mit Chrysanthemen stand. Dieses Jahr habe ich ein wenig aufgerüstet und mir noch weiteres Deko Zubehör besorgt. Und hier kommt sie meine Herbstdeko vor der Haustür.

Alte Holzkisten

Ich liebe alte Wein- und Obstkisten. Egal ob weiß gebeizt, naturbelassen oder geflammt. Ich finde diese Kisten dekorativ, insbesondere für draußen. Daher habe ich letzte Woche kurzerhand beim Landhandel noch zwei Weinkisten mitgenommen. Mit der bereits vorhandenen zieren nun also drei Stück unseren Hauseingang. Eine Kiste habe ich hochkant gestellt und darin einen Tontopf mit einer Erika stehen, daneben eine Kerze – natürlich nur zu dekorativen Zwecken. Die wird nicht angezündet.

Herbstdeko Erika

Die zweite Holzkiste steht auf dem Kopf, so habe ich einen schönen Höhenunterschied erreicht. Auf dieser Kiste steht ein alter Weidenkorb, den ich in der Scheune gefunden habe. Ich wohne nun schon seit 12 Jahren auf dem ehemaligen Bauernhof meiner Schwiegereltern und finde trotzdem immer mal wieder etwas Neues, wenn ich durch die alten landwirtschaftlichen Gebäude schlendere.


Die dritte Kiste ist etwas neuer und steht rechts neben der Haustür ebenfalls hochkant. Die beherbergt diverse Zierkürbisse

Meine Herbstblumen

Chrysanthemen gehören für mich einfach zur Herbstdeko dazu. Und am liebsten in der Farbe pink oder rot. Daher habe ich auch dieses Jahr wieder einen großen Topf in der Gärtnerei mitgenommen. Wie es der Zufall will, stand der Busch in einem auf alt gemachten Pokal. Perfekt für mein Arrangement. Der durfte also auch gleich mit.


Zusätzlich habe ich noch wie oben erwähnt einen Topf mit Rosaroten Erika mitgenommen und eine kleineren in Pink. Diese stehen zusammen mit den Alpenveilchen in einem alten Drahtkorb auf einer der Kisten.

Alpenveilchen Deko

Im alten Weidenkorb sind Silberdraht/Stacheldraht und Purpurglöckchen. Und dann habe ich noch einen kleinen Tontopf mit Hornveilchen. Die Hornveilchen sind im Garten wild aufgegangen, die habe ich dann einfach umgetopft.


Kürbisse satt

Und zu guter Letzt dürfen natürlich Kürbisse also Deko nicht fehlen. Sie gehören für mich einfach zum Herbst dazu. Diese schönen Zierkürbisse stammen von einem Hof in unserer Nähe. Die Landwirtin pflanzt jedes Jahr zig verschiedene Sorten an und diese kann man zu jeder Zeit auf dem Hof holen. Neben den Kürbissen steht eine kleine Kasse, sie vertraut da auf die Ehrlichkeit der Leute.


Und was steht bei Euch derzeit vor der Tür? Wie sieht Eure Herbstdeko aus?

Liebe Grüße


Verlinkt zu: Herbst Bloghop, Creativsalat, Froh&Kreativ, The Creative Lovers, Dings vom Dienstag, Die vier Jahreszeiten, Niwibo sucht, HoT, Handmade Monday, Lieblingsstücke, Magic Crafts

About Author

Hi, ich bin Vanessa und lebe mit meinem Mann und unseren beiden Kindern in Baden-Württemberg auf dem schönen Land. Ich liebe es mich kreativ auszutoben. Egal ob Nähen, Basteln, Malen, Kochen oder Backen - ich probiere alles aus! Hier auf meinem Blog möchte ich Dir einen Einblick in mein kreatives Leben geben!


  • Jacky
    05/10/2021 at 08:10

    Wundervolle Deko… leider fehlt mir soviel Platz zum Arrangieren. Bei mir steht im Treppenhaus auf unserer Schuhbank ein Körbchen mit Alpenveilchen.
    Kürbis und Deko stehen in der Wohnung. Deine Deko gefällt mir super, sehr natürlich und sicher kannst du das eine oder andere später im Garten auspflanzen. Die kleinen Hornpfeilchen haben sich bei uns auch sehr verwildert… meist lasse ich sie stehen, wenn sie nicht doll stören.
    Liebe Grüße Jacky

    • Freulein Linka
      06/10/2021 at 11:06

      Hallo Jacky! Vielen lieben Dank. Im Haus habe ich nur wenig Herbst Deko, die kommt vielleicht noch. Ich muss mal schauen. Mein Plan ist das ich das eine oder andere auspflanze aber jetzt bleibt erstmal alles noch im Topf 😉
      Liebe Grüße Vanessa

    • rajkumarvistar
      28/09/2023 at 08:45

      Sp-kingstown project specific information very nice project in apartment and villas Pune a project called in Pune or any liked brands class project developments related to it. Sp Kingstown project possible that this

      • rajkumarvistar
        03/11/2023 at 13:02

        Shapoorji Wilderness buy a big-looking new resident real feeling used to have heart liked
        makes new looking started blogging, Shapoorji Wilderness project new project because looking right time every day new is Shapoorji Wilderness real estate that apartments, flats, homes, 2/3/ BHK apartment what. Shapoorji Pallonji
        project new how looking can ready homes so for the modern new developed in Pune,

    • rajkumarvistar
      04/12/2023 at 13:31

      SP developments regularly include elements that encourage an active and healthy lifestyle, like parks, trails, and fully furnished fitness centers.
      SP Kingtown

    • rajkumarvistar
      23/01/2024 at 11:29

      Shapoorji BKC buys new Western Ghats, a W-class good thinking Area of the apartment and flats. Buy are the place it is situated, thus visitors are surrounded by a rich and varied natural environment.

      • rajkumarvistar
        11/05/2024 at 09:35

        Vanaha Bavdhan liveliest cities in India Pune. India, has a developing residential area called Vanaha Bavdhan, which is situated in its western region. This area is quickly gaining prominence in the real estate industry, drawing in a wide range of consumers and investors. Bavdhan is a desirable place to live because of its advantageous location, which places it between Pune city and the verdant hills of the Western Ghats. This location offers the perfect fusion of urban convenience and scenic beauty.

        • rajkumarvistar
          19/07/2024 at 10:54

          VTP Cielo. The residents have the chance to participate in activities that foster a sense of community and camaraderie. The well-designed common areas and amenities serve as perfect venues for these interactions, ensuring that residents can enjoy a vibrant and active lifestyle.

          Moreover, the proximity to nature with hills an

    • rajkumarvistar
      15/02/2024 at 08:14

      Shapoorji Pallonji BKC 9 new project looking in apartments and flats looking and the globe looking. Shapoorji Pallonji BKC 9 project preferred most housing locality.

  • nina. aka wippsteerts
    05/10/2021 at 14:22

    Oh, hier kommt man schon lange nicht mehr an diese wunderbaren alten Kisten und die auf alt gemachten mag ich nicht so.
    Deine Türdekoration ist wunderbar und stimmig.
    Liebe Grüße

    • Freulein Linka
      06/10/2021 at 11:07

      Hallo Nina, es ist wirklich schwer welche zu bekommen. Zum Glück gibt der Landhandel noch welche ab, mal schauen wie lange…
      Liebe Grüße Vanessa

      • rajkumarvistar
        12/06/2024 at 08:51

        VTP Cielo a testament to Shapoorji Pallonji’s commitment to quality and innovation. The project features a contemporary architectural design with spacious and well-ventilated apartments that maximize natural light and airflow. Each unit is meticulously planned to provide a comfortable and luxurious living space, with high-quality materials and finishes enhancing their elegance and durability.

        Buy big residential towers are thoughtfully positioned to offer panoramic views of the lush green surroundings, further enriching the living experience. The interiors are designed with a keen focus on functionality and aesthetics, featuring modern kitchens, luxurious bathrooms, and stylish living areas that blend comfort with sophistication.

    • rajkumarvistar
      03/02/2024 at 13:11

      Shapoorji Pallonji BKC 9 remains deeply connected to Mumbai’s roots. Shapoorji Pallonji BKC 9 Project houses cultural institutions and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich heritage. Shapoorji Pallonji BKC 9 project juxtaposition

    • rajkumarvistar
      08/05/2024 at 13:59

      Growth in Residential and Commercial Properties
      Vanaha Bavdhan has seen a significant increase in the number of residential developments, from luxurious villas and apartments to more reasonab

  • Ein-kleiner-Blog
    05/10/2021 at 16:19

    Die Herbstdeko ist ganz toll. Das sieht super aus.
    LG Elke

    • Freulein Linka
      06/10/2021 at 11:07

      Hallo Elke! Vielen lieben Dank!
      Liebe Grüße Vanessa

      • rajkumarvistar
        01/04/2024 at 14:03

        Shapoorji BKC 9 luxurious and recent residential development in

        • rajkumarvistar
          23/05/2024 at 14:31

          VTP Cielo in Bavdhan exemplifies modern living, combining luxury, convenience, and sustainability. Its strategic location, comprehensive amenities, and eco-friendly practices make it a standout project in Pune’s real estate landscape. Whether you are a homebuyer looking for an upscale living space or an investor seeking promising ret

  • Amberlight
    05/10/2021 at 21:12

    Die Jahreszeitenecke ist herbstlich gestaltet und ein Kreidebild gibt’s an der Haustür. Aber davor steht tatsächlich – nichts. Bei dir gefällt es mir aber sehr gut.

    • Freulein Linka
      06/10/2021 at 11:09

      Vielen lieben Dank! Kreidebilder finde ich auch ganz toll. Die mache ich immer zu Weihnachten an die Fenster! Liebe Grüße Vanessa

    • rajkumarvistar
      06/12/2023 at 12:11

      SP KingtSP Kingtown has powerful systems, environmentally friendly construction methods, and a reduction in carbon emissions. This dedication to sustainability guarantees a more responsible and healthy way of life for residents extra to being in line with global environmental aims.own has powerful systems, environmentally friendly construction methods, and a reduction in carbon emissions. This dedication to sustainability guarantees a more responsible and healthy way of life for residents extra to being in line with global environmental aims.

  • Traudi Gartendrossel
    06/10/2021 at 12:08

    Liebe Vanessa,
    der bunte Herbst zeigt all seine Farben in Deiner wunderschönen „vor der Haustür-Deko“. So schön mit Liebe gemacht. Ich liebe BUNT und auch Stiefmütterchen, denn sie sind dankbar und wachsen weiter über den Winter hinaus. Ich mag auch die alten Kisten und Körbe, sie sehen so nostalgisch, romantisch aus und Alpenveilchen, Kürbisse und Co. darin sind tolle Hingucker!
    Ich wünsche Dir eine wundervolle Herbstzeit.
    Liebe Grüße aus dem Drosselgarten von Traudi.♥

    • Freulein Linka
      07/10/2021 at 21:23

      Liebe Traudi! Herzlichen Dank, ich wünsche Dir auch eine schöne Herbstzeit!
      Liebe Grüße Vanessa

  • Niwibo
    07/10/2021 at 13:22

    Das sieht so schön, bunt und fröhlich aus liebe Vanessa.
    Da kommt man doch gerne nach Hause.
    Bei uns liegen zur Zeit nur ein paar Kürbisse vor der Türe.
    Nächste Woche pimpe ich mal auf.
    Aber vor dem Urlaub wollte ich nichts Frisches hinstellen,
    Da muss die Nachbarin soviel gießen.
    Lieben Gruß

    • Freulein Linka
      07/10/2021 at 21:24

      Vielen lieben Dank Nicole! Bin schon sehr gespannt auf Deine Deko! LG Vanessa

  • Andrea Karminrot
    08/10/2021 at 22:08

    Da kommt man doch gerne auf einen Besuch vorbei.
    Liebe Grüße

    • Freulein Linka
      11/10/2021 at 16:02

      Hallo Andrea, vielen lieben Dank!
      Liebe Grüße Vanessa

  • Carolin
    07/08/2023 at 11:55

    Die Idee, die Weinkisten auf unterschiedliche Arten zu arrangieren, verleiht deiner Dekoration eine interessante Dynamik. Der Tontopf mit der Erika und der Kerze verströmt eine beruhigende Stimmung, während die Zierkürbisse und Blumenkörbe eine fröhliche Note hinzufügen.

  • rajkumarvistar
    26/10/2023 at 08:04

     Shapoorji Wildernest  of the best residential developments is Shapoorji Wildernest. With its great living quarters, cutting-edge technology, and spacious flats, the brand-new  Shapoorji Wildernest  complex is likely to exceed your expectations. The  of Shapoorji Pallonji Wildernest is a great place to look for a new place to live.

  • rajkumarvistar
    04/11/2023 at 08:39

    Shapoorji Pallonji is developing brand-new luxury residences. Any success you fear this activity facility to allot your houses in the looking huge residential brads Shapoorji canvas. The Shapoorji Canvas initiative stimulates people to get homes in Mumbai with passion. In looking, Pune, Shapoorji Pallonji

  • Kishor Real Estates
    01/12/2023 at 06:51

    Unwind and rejuvenate in style at Wildernest by Shapoorji Pallonji. This Pune-based project offers 3 and 4 BHK residences designed for those seeking a harmonious blend of luxury and nature. Wake up to views of canals and Sahyadri mountains, and relish outdoor spaces with courtyards, play areas, a library, and a movie theatre. Shapoorji Pallonji Wildernest Hadapser Pune presents an exclusive opportunity to own a stunning home that offers all kinds of amenities and facilities. This includes a football, swimming pool, a bar/chill-out lounge. It also has an exclusive spa, an exclusive offering only for its residents.

  • rajkumarvistar
    02/02/2024 at 10:43

    Shapoorji Pallonji BKC 28 project from like booking real estate best features. Shapoorji Pallonji new luxury apartments and flats booking new homes looking apartment. Shapoorji Pallonji 28 ne w project residantal actively hiring for a real estate luxury and your fully real-looking 2/3 BHK-like area best facllityin Mumbai. offering property offering fully apartment ready like ready homes seems to be a good like in Mumbai.

  • rajkumarvistar
    27/03/2024 at 10:13

    Shapoorji BKC 9, with round-the-clock surveillance and trained personnel ensuring the safety and well-being of residents at all times. Whether you’re relaxing in the comfort of your home or enjoying the amenities, you can rest assured knowing that your peace of mind is safeguarded.

  • rajkumarvistar
    03/04/2024 at 10:17

    Prestige Greenmoor: A Haven of Serenity

    Nestled amidst the rolling hills and verdant landscapes lies Prestige Greenmoor, a haven of serenity that beckons those in search of tranquility and luxury. Spread across acres of lush greenery, this residential enclave embodies the perfect harmony between nature and modern living, offering its residents a lifestyle of unparalleled comfort and elegance.

  • rajkumarvistar
    05/04/2024 at 08:50

    Prestige Camden Gardens: A Luxurious Haven in Pune

    Located in the vibrant city of Pune, Prestige Camden Gardens stands as a testament to luxury living amidst urban convenience. Developed by Prestige Group, one of India’s leading real estate developers, this residential enclave offers a blend of sophistication, comfort, and modernity. With its prime location, upscale amenities, and meticulously designed living spaces, Prestige Camden Gardens redefines urban living in Pune.

    Location Advantage

    Situated in the bustling neighborhood of Baner, Prestige Camden Gardens enjoys excellent connectivity to key areas of Pune. Baner is known for its strategic location, close proximity to major IT hubs like Hinjewadi, and seamless connectivity to other parts of the city. Residents of Prestige Camden Gardens have easy access to schools, hospitals, shopping malls, restaurants, and entertainment hubs, making it an ideal choice for families, working professionals, and individuals seeking a dynamic lifestyle.

    Architectural Excellence

    Prestige Camden Gardens exemplifies architectural brilliance with its contemporary design and thoughtful planning. The development comprises spacious apartments and premium amenities that cater to the diverse needs of modern urban dwellers. The buildings are meticulously crafted to blend seamlessly with the surrounding landscape while offering panoramic views of the cityscape.

  • rajkumarvistar
    05/04/2024 at 09:38

    Puravankara Limited, one of India’s most trusted real estate developers, this sprawling residential enclave embodies the essence of urban sophistication while offering an oasis of tranquility amid the city’s chaos. With its strategic location, exquisite design, and world-class amenities, Purva Aerocity sets a new standard for modern living in Bangalore.

  • rajkumarvistar
    19/04/2024 at 07:15

    Purva Aerocity represents the epitome of modern urban living—a harmonious blend of luxury, convenience, sustainability, and community. With its visionary design, unparalleled

  • rajkumarvistar
    09/05/2024 at 09:28

    Shapoorji Pallonji Vanaha as a mabe extra security check for your residantal facllity like business. Shapoorji Pallonji project you are already.

  • rajkumarvistar
    15/05/2024 at 08:39

    Vanaha  served as both spiritual and cultural centers in addition to being physical locations. They served as hubs for community meetings, education, and meditation. The forest was viewed as a representation of vitality, development, and interdependence, capturing the spirit of e

  • rajkumarvistar
    16/05/2024 at 08:24

    VTP Cielo the epitome new luxury brands of luxury living nestled in the picturesque locale of Bavdhan, Pune. As we embark on this journey of exploration, VTP Cielo project 2/3/ BHK delve into the exquisite offerings of VTP Cielo, like from its elegant 2 BHK, 3 BHK, and 4 BHK apartments to its world-class.

  • rajkumarvistar
    16/05/2024 at 08:25

    VTP Cielo new offers a range of living options, including spacious best 2 and 3 BHK apartments, designed to meet the diverse needs of its residents. The project is spread across a booking considerable area, ensuring ample open spaces and a low-density living environment.

  • rajkumarvistar
    24/05/2024 at 09:48

    VTP bavdhan most thinking residential facllity stands as a premier residential project in the burgeoning suburb of Bavdhan, Pune. This contemporary complex seamlessly blends luxury in Pune. VTP Cielo comfort, and convenience, VTP bavdhan
    project make it an ideal choice for discerning homebuyers and savvy investors. Prime Location and Connectivity Bavdhan is

  • rajuvistar
    28/06/2024 at 10:18

    VTP Cielo is set to enhance further. The ongoing infrastructure developments and the establishment of new business centers will continue to drive demand for high-quality residential spaces, making VTP Cielo a coveted address for homebuyers and investors alike.

  • rajkumarvistar
    13/08/2024 at 10:00

    VTP Realty has made a name for itself in the community. Investors and homebuyers prefer the developer because of its focus on sustainable development methods and customer delight.


  • Marketing
    26/08/2024 at 13:07

    Drive Growth with Strategic Digital Solutions: Collaborate with digital marketing agency, a leader in online marketing in Egypt, to propel your brand to the forefront of the industry.

  • Rohitvistaarr
    25/09/2024 at 09:51

    Prestige City Siddharth Vihar, Ghaziabad, is an emerging residential hub known for its modern living spaces and strategic location. Offering a blend of luxury and convenience, this development features a variety of apartments designed to meet diverse lifestyles. Residents enjoy top-notch amenities, including parks, fitness centers, and spaces, fostering a vibrant community atmosphere. The area’s connectivity to Delhi and other NCR regions enhances its appeal, making it ideal for families and professionals. With its focus on quality living, Prestige City is a promising choice for those seeking a blend of comfort and accessibility in Ghaziabad.

  • rohitvistaarr
    12/11/2024 at 10:34

    Mahindra Lifespaces Whitefield, Bangalore, offers premium residential properties designed for modern living. Located in one of Bangalore’s most sought-after locales, this development is known for its contemporary architecture, spacious layouts, and world-class amenities. The project features 2- and 3-bedroom apartments and villas, complemented by lush green spaces, fitness centers, swimming pools, and recreational areas. Whitefield is a thriving IT hub, offering excellent connectivity to key commercial centers, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and entertainment options. Mahindra Lifespaces provides a harmonious blend of comfort, convenience, and quality for those seeking a luxurious urban lifestyle.

  • rajuvistar
    15/01/2025 at 13:09

    Kohinoor Woodshire
    project luxury brands are facility of projects looking designed to cater to various business development. process. whether it be
    Kohinoor Woodshire internet sales 2/3/ BHK offering , services, or any other industry. Kohinoor Woodshire
    project apartment and flats highly professional. Kohinoor Woodshire and homes with top-notch amenities experience for your specific business needs.

  • rajuvistaarr
    18/01/2025 at 09:30

    Shapoorji Sector 46 Gurgaon project spanning seven acres. Shapoorji Sector 46 Gurgaon your most resident in city needs and desires in this day and age, which is why we bookinf new brands on customer. Shapoorji Sector 46 Gurgaon neVisit- w satisfaction and the amenities residence area. Shapoorji Gurgaon gives you tranquility and keeps you away from a contaminated atmosphere, which is what most buyers residantal.

  • rajkumarvistar
    07/02/2025 at 13:45

    Kohinoor Woodshire project Kenichiro Yoshida passes the baton to the luxury housing class most apartments and flats. the brand of urban dwellers. Buy offers luxury apartments and is also strategically located as the luxurious of the famed division that projects facilities in Pune.

    Kohinoor Woodshiregaming community buzzes with what the change could mean for game development and multimedia adaptations.


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